Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today was "step day". Tommy and Troy came early this morning and we were all drinking coffee on the back porch of the house before all the work started. The two of them started talking about the " neat freak" guy that they were doing a remodeling for. Then, the conversation went to their "bachelor days" and how neither one of them could cook. Troy said that he could cook breakfast though. He fixes " whomp biscuits". He fries his bacon and when that is done...he fries his eggs in the bacon grease but the eggs gets these little brown things all over them. I was laughing so hard at him (remember these guys are so southern that their accents change some of their words) and was trying to figure out what " whomp biscuits" were. I thought it was another " Alabamian" thing that I hadn't heard of but Troy said peel the paper off the can and then " WHOMP" it against the counter. ...thus "whomp biscuits"! LOL. What a way to start the day.....laughing! The steps did get done and I love both sets. I can't wait to see them stained and the hand railings painted.

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