Sunday, November 4, 2012

She's Here!!!

Always time to stop to dance!

getting the couch out with rope and a pulley. 

Remember when you could see through the barn?  Not any more!!  We are now walking through little paths again.  All I can say is, thank goodness we have the barn!!  Shell is here with everything she owns.  Including two kitties, living in our laundry room.  Her and Chuck got here around 7:30 pm on Thursday night.  I was never so glad to see them.  To know that they were here safe and sound and for them to be here to comfort me about George kitty missing.  Friday morning, we started unloading.  Chuck had unloaded the trailer before Shell and I got down to the barn.  He had to take the trailer off of the truck and he backed the truck right up to the barn door.  It took us all morning to empty the truck.  The barn is now FULL again.  Not as full as it was when we moved but it's pretty full.  Hopefully not for long.  I have a feeling Shell will find a job in Nashville soon and we will be loading up all the stuff and heading north with it. Meantime, we are having fun as in a long visit with Shell.  It's funny.  Her and I keep thinking she will only be here for a few days and then will be heading back home to Florida.  So glad it's not going to happen!!

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