Saturday, November 3, 2012

24 Hour Broken Heart

George's house pulled apart!

Find George...left side of the wood pile.  He matches the wood.

Silly George, sitting on the stump. I thought this might be the last picture of sweet George.
I found out just how much I loved our silly out door kitty, George!  Last Halloween, the coyotes killed all of our chickens and this Halloween, I thought they had gotten George!  Chuck had flown back to Florida with Fred and Elaine so he could drive the Uhaul truck back for Shell, so that had left me here alone in the woods by myself to take care of our animals.  Halloween night, I had checked on George and he was in his house, all safe and sound.  I thought!  The next morning, when I turned on the light to go out and feed George, I found the rug messed up, his blanket pulled half way out of his house and his cube pulled to the front of his house.  In an instant, I knew what had happened.  A coyote came up on the porch!!!  I called and called George!  When it came day light, I walked around the house and the TT, calling him.  Nothing!!  I tried to reason with myself that he just might be safe because there was no fur or blood on the porch.  The longer I called and he didn't show up, my hope started fading.  By evening, I just knew he had been drug out of his house and taken into the woods to be some damn coyotes meal.  My heart was broken.  I was so upset!!  George had never not come to the front porch, when I called him.  I went to bed with a broken heart, even though Chuck and Shell were here to comfort me.  The next morning, Chuck and I were having our morning coffee, watching the early news on TV at 5:30 am and we heard a " thump" on the front porch.  We both looked at each other and was thinking the same thing. We jumped up and  Chuck turned on the porch light and opened the door and said " hello, George!!".  There he was!! Alive and not a scratch on him!!! I couldn't believe it!!  He was afraid of me for a minute but he finally let me hold him.  I cried and cried for joy!  He has to be the smartest outdoor kitty that ever lived in the woods.  I sat and rocked him in the porch rocking chair and he purred and purred as he fell instantly asleep.  What an awful 24 hours he must have gone through.  I couldn't wait to tell everyone that "George was still alive!"  I had so many great friends comfort me the day before when I thought he was gone.  I called Elaine right after day light to tell her and Fred the news.  Elaine has nick named George " road runner" because he out ran the coyote.  I think that name is going to stick.  " Beep! Beep!"

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