Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another Scare!

the wire worked!!

torn up window box

dirty dog prints

We had another scare yesterday!  We thought the coyotes had tried to get at the chickens the night before.  The window box was torn to pieces and there were muddy prints all over the door to the girls mansion.  I was so mad!  I was ready to go coyote hunting right then and there!  At least we found out that the wire that Chuck had put up over the window, worked.  The chickens were safe.   Chuck decided he had better put a couple of pieces of wood on the inside of the wire door to their yard, so the coyotes couldn't push it open enough to get to the chickens during the day.  I decided that I had better put George kitty in the basement every night to keep him safe.  Last night was his first night and he did well.  I put a kitty bed down there and a litter pan.  From now on, he will be spending his nights safe and sound.  Plus, it will be a lot warmer place for him to sleep this winter when it's freezing outside.  Well, this morning I was on the front porch, holding George and two of the neighbors dogs came running through our yard.  George freaked out BIG TIME!  A few minutes later, I could hear barking and  something scratching on the wire down at the hen house.  I ran down there as fast as I could and there were the dogs!  Trying to get the chickens.  So, come to find out, it wasn't coyotes.  I'm beginning to think it was the dogs that tried to get George on the porch the other night too.  Who ever or what ever, George will be spending his nights in the basement and Chuck will be adding on to his house on the porch, so dogs/coyotes can't reach into the hole to get him during the day.   

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