Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Visitors

Lady Melanie and Miss Lillie show the stromboli, ready to go in the oven

Miss Lilie wanted to get in Auntie Barbara's tub.

Present time!
 We were honored to have Lady Melanie, Kellet, Miss Lillie ( who is talking so much since the last time I saw her.  She can count to 21, say her ABCs, say the Blessing and sing songs....AND she won't be two until Nov.) and Miss Lulu come from Birmingham for a short but fun Saturday visit.  They catered lunch!  Kellet instructed Lady Melanie on how to make a homemade Stromboli to go along with a garden salad that I had made.  They also brought Brown Sugar bars and I made " Dixie Lee's German Apple cake".  It rained the whole time they were here, but it didn't spoil eating lunch on the porch.  After the fun time of presents and lunch, it was time for them to head back south.  It was all too short of a time and can't wait for them to come back soon.  I know! I know!  I have been slacking on taking pictures lately.  Don't ask me why....I need to just carry the camera around with me, no matter what I'm doing.  I didn't even get a picture of sweet Miss Lulu. 

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