Monday, May 16, 2011

Kayaking Wednesday

Mr. Neon Green SNAKE!

Beautiful Mountain Laurel

notice the house hiding in the trees

funny tree in the rocks

A pleasant surprise!
It had been awhile since we had taken the kayaks out for the day, so we set out with them last Wednesday.  We headed to Brushy Creek ( which really looked like a lake with fingers here and there to it......but not to confuse it with Brushy Lake)  The one side of the creek seemed to be thick with " mountain laurel".  It was so pretty!!  Some were white and some where pink.  Of course, I had to stop and pick some for my kayak.  I didn't have my " vase" with me but someone just happened to leave a green glass bottle, floating in the creek, so I stopped and picked that up also.  "ta da"....a pretty vase of flowers to enjoy as I paddled.   We stopped among the rocks and had our picnic as we rested up for the hard paddle back .....against the wind.  It's fun to see all the beautiful "lake houses" dotted here and there and to paddle past all the boat docks, holding anything from kayaks to huge ski boats.  As I was struggling ( the wind stirred up a lot) to paddle back , I saw this little bright green "thing" sticking up out of the water, in front of me...and it was MOVING!  I watched it for a minute and it was just what I thought it was....A SNAKE!  A bright neon green, skinny snake!!!  I had never seen a snake like that before.  It was actually kinda pretty....for a SNAKE!  It crawled up onto the side of the rocks and of course I had to paddle over to get a picture.   As we paddled around the corner to the last stretch there was this funny tree growing in the rocks with all it's roots sticking out.  Ya wonder how anything can grow like that.  I decided that it would be fun to set my "vase" of flowers on one of the rocks for someone else to enjoy as they went by.  ( you know, like that piano that someone put out on that island a couple months back)  It was another fun day in the kayaks....and I'm looking forward to our next adventure with them....minus the SNAKE!

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