Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Andrea and Charlotte

 Cheers from Andrea

 Margaritas were served on Brambly Pines deck at 6:00pm May 5, 2011.  Charlotte came dressed in her " Mexican Embroidered Dress" to celebrate the occasion with a handful of Peonies that she picked from her flowerbed. Andrea came baring gifts also.  A can of Peonie Room they didn't know that the subject for gifts was " peonies".  Also there was a big can of wonderful " white tea".  They are both such sweet friends to have.  It was a bit nippy, sitting on the deck, drinking frozen Margaritas but it was still fun. The weather has been so crazy since we moved up here.  Charlotte said she can't remember ever wearing jeans and a coat to mow the yard in May, before.  Charlotte and I talked about how we celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Margaritas last year, only we were sitting on the porch to the TT.  Wow! What a different a year can make in your life!  I don't know what another year in Alabama will bring to us, but we are planning on our 3rd Annual, drinking Margaritas, Cinco de Mayo on the deck next year!

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