Sunday, December 5, 2010

Six hours of Bush whacking

Chuck checking the map and his GPS

Eating lunch in the canyon (in our hunters orange since it's hunting season)

It's under the rocks!

Shell found the Geocashing box

Shell signing the Geocashe book

The day after Thanksgiving, we packed our traditional Thanksgiving left overs lunch with all of the other things we stuff into our back packs and headed to the forest to spend the day hiking. Shell wanted to go "bush whacking" ( which means, there is no trail to follow and you need to mark the trail as you hike, with rocks, sticks and what ever you can find, so you can find your way back) Chuck studied his maps and had in mind of what waterfall we would try and find. It's not easy to bush whack. There are hills to go up and down, rocks to walk on ( and they can be slippery) and trees to climb over or under, plus all the brush that you need to get through. After five hours of all of this, I was getting really tired. Even with resting while we ate lunch, didn't help me. My legs just wouldn't work like they are suppose too. I couldn't lift them but about a foot off the ground. When I sat down on a log to rest, Chuck or Shell had to left me up. I couldn't stand up on my own and we still had about an hour to hike before we were back to the Explorer. With the help of Chuck and Shell, I made it. Lesson learned.....No more six hours of bush whacking!!! I can only take a couple of hours of it. We did find a neat waterfall where an old mill used to be. Plus, we found the geocache we were looking for. Shell actually found it. I had looked in the right place, but had missed it, being it was hidden in and under some rocks at a fallen tree. A long hot soak in my pretty tub once we got home, helped my legs get back to normal. Another hike we will always remember!

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