Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mountain of Mulch

The mountain of mulch along with some of the wood for the deck.

We thought laying sod was a back breaking job...ha! Putting mulch all the way around the house was harder. First of all, I tried to back my cart on the back of " little red" into the mulch pile, but it is IMPOSSIBLE!! to back the tractor up and have the cart go where you need it. You might as well just give up and that is what I did. Then, I tried filling up a 5 gal. bucket with mulch, which didn't hold very much and carrying it to where I needed the mulch. That took forever! It's bad enough, trying to fill what ever with mulch, with a pitch fork because it all falls through the prongs. I was getting ready to give up and just go rake up pine straw to use instead of mulch, when Chuck came up with the idea for me to use my little hand cart. That worked but was still hard work. It's hard to roll the cart when it's full, over the grass. As I was plugging along, Chuck came from unloading the truck bed of old wood down by the barn and took the cart that goes behind "little red" and loaded it. THEN, he pulled it by hand to the flower beds out front and to the other end of the house. He would dump it all and I would rake it to where it needed to be. We finally got it all done. Then, I planted some daffodil bulbs along one of the retaining walls that Lady Melanie had given me. I need about a 100 more, which I'll get at Sam's. Next, I worked on my " bird girl" flower bed. Chuck finished the last pieces of sod as I watered them. It was dark when we went in the house for dinner. It gets dark at 5:00 pm in the winter, up here. Makes for a short day. ...but yesterday sure didn't feel short.

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