Saturday, November 13, 2010

All 16 pallets of sod!

We left the space for the deck that goes off of the sun room.

Five days later, we have a yard! All 16 pallets of sod are down. What a job! Chuck and I both are aching but it was well worth it. What a difference it makes. It's so nice to look out all of the windows and the porches and see pretty green grass instead of the red, red clay. Plus, when it rains we won't have "mud!". Chuck got the two hills by the retaining walls, leveled and we hurried and laid the sod there first since every time it rains, the mud slides down into the drive way. This should stop it. We will find out tomorrow because it's suppose to start raining tonight and rain through Tues. morning. Perfect timing for the new yard. If you notice in the picture of the back yard, we have " bird girl" with a round flower bed around her. I came up with an idea what to do with the mountain of wine bottles that is behind the barn. ( Chuck drinks a gallon of wine very week and we have been here over a year you do the I am using the bottles as a flower bed border. I'm putting them right up against each other, while burying the necks in the clay. It's not an easy job, but I'll just keep working at it, until I have them all in a circle around " bird girl". I did plant some tulip bulbs around her and then a ring of pansies. Chuck brought over the cement planters from the TT and put them on each side of the front steps. He also brought over Mom's cement planter that I have my herbs planted in, and that is in the corner of the back yard, by the screen porch. This way, I won't have far to go to pick fresh herbs when I cook. All in all, it's coming together. There is still a lot of work with planting the flower beds but I think that will wait until Spring. Oh, I am planting daffodil bulbs all along both of the retaining walls. Won't that look awesome, come Spring and they are all blooming!!! It will be a nice break for a few days from working in the yard, with all the rain that is coming. Back to painting furniture in the barn. I'm begining to wonder if my life will ever be "normal" with just having to clean house, do laundry and go grocery shopping. I have to say, I don't have time to get bored.

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