Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving hike.....

Well, it's almost time for our Thanksgiving hike in the National forest by our land. This hike is really fun for Chuck and I because Shell gets to come with us. We usually take her on one of the trails that we have been on and enjoyed. This year, we're exploring a new trail. ( oh yeah, we have to stay in a certain part of the forest this time of year because of hunting season. I hope Bambi is smart enough to stay in the same sections.) One where you have to mark your way because there really isn't a trail any more and you cross over the streams several times. A good chance of getting lost if you don't mark the trail. (we've done it lost that is) The kids gave Chuck a GPS last year for Christmas but sometimes it doesn't work in the forest or ....ummmm....somone forgets to check the batteries in it and it dies. There is always the " good ole compass".
Shell always seems to manage to fall in the streams or almost fall into the waterfalls during our Thanksgiving hikes. Yep, since it's usually in the 30's or 40's, that means the water is pretty darn cold which means Shell's clothes are wet and cold. She always just laughs about it and has a good time any ways. As the pictures show...she fell into the stream, crossing over on some slippery rocks but she was lucky and made it across the waterfall in the next picture. Who knows what this next hike will bring. A lot of fun , I know for sure. I always make left over turkey sandwiches, piled with cranberry sauce and dressing on them, for our picnic lunch. They sure taste good after hiking for four or five miles. Hope everyone who reads my blog, has a great Thanksgiving. I'm hoping one of these Thanksgivings, we will be living on the land and won't have to turn around and come back to Florida after a couple of days of enjoyment.

Happy Turkey Day ya'll!!!!!

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