Friday, November 14, 2008

The gourd lady....

Charlotte ( BNOE) emailed me pictures of their " camp out in the back yard" adventure with friends from Nashville,last week. When your yard consists of's really like camping out in the woods. They took the kids on a " nature walk" over to our land where the garden used to be. It has grown up so much you could hardly see the The only thing still growing besides the weeds were the gourds that we planted last spring. Charlotte said they were every where.... . Even hanging from a bush. They picked as many as they could carry back to the TT and the report was that there are still lots left for us to pick when we go up for Thanksgiving. Charlotte has named me " the gourd lady" cause I'm going to have so many gourd seeds to share. She proceeded to tell me the story of the " Lupine Lady". ....a lady went all over the county planting Lupine seeds and the whole country was covered with lupine flowers. Charlotte said there are about 100 seeds in one gourd so I'm going to have thousands of seeds. What fun I'm going to have planting, painting and making birdhouses out of our gourds. I certainly will be busy if we ever get to move to the land.

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