Saturday, July 16, 2016

Must be July 4th....Time to Crank Ice Cream!

Lily Ryann and Ian waiting to eat.....

Genavive turning.....

Ian turning.....

Heather turning.....

Ryan turning.....

Vivi kept the freezer  filled with ice.....

YUM!!!! ice cream EVER!!!!

It was time to turn.....the ice cream!  The rule is....who doesn't take a turn at turning, doesn't get any ice cream.  Everyone decided they wanted to turn but Lily Ryann.  She didn't want any ice cream....ha.  As everyone took their turn, Vivienne decided she wanted ice cream so her job was to put the ice into the freezer the whole time it was being turned. piece of ice at a time.  When it was time to " eat the ice cream", Lily Ryann decided she did want to " just taste it" but with one taste.....she wanted " more"!  This was the first time Heather, Ian and Lily had ever had homemade ice cream.  It was decided it was the  " best ice cream EVER!".  Our 45 year old ice cream freezer is back down in the barn until next July 4th.  I'm not too sure how many more years we will be able to use it.  It has seen it's better days.......but when the time comes, we will be buying another " hand crack" ice cream freezer.  That's half the fun.....the turning....the other half is eating ice cream that you have made by hand.

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