Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Outside

Mr. Santa that I made about 10 years ago.

Our first Alabama Christmas tree

I didn't put  a lot of Christmas decorations outside this year.  Just enough to know that Christmas has come to Brambly Pines.  The first Christmas we were in the house, I went all out.  I put wreaths in every window of the front of the house and lined the railings with garland and bows. I hung huge snowflakes all along the front porch.  I had two little lit trees on each side of the door.  Oh, it was so pretty and a dream of mine to decorate like that.  Then, it came time to take it all down and lug it down the stairs to the basement.  Also, I decided it was pretty silly to do all that work when no one even saw it but the animals that live in the woods.
It was a perfect Christmas that year....our first year in our new house and we woke up to it snowing on Christmas day.  Now our perfect Christmas comes the day after Christmas when our whole family comes to celebrate with us.  It means leaving Christmas up just a little longer than I'm used to but it's so worth it.  Yes, my decorations will come down BEFORE New Years because as you know, it's bad luck to have them up for New Years.  There is less to take down and lug back to the basement and I just might have help with all the kids being here for it.  

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