Thursday, August 20, 2015


Genavive's first time driving a four wheeler

Pretty Peach on the tree

Fun picking peaches

Beautiful freshly picked peaches

Genavive had a lot of " firsts" this summer with us.  We took her out to our friend's farm  where he has a peach orchard.  Like me until I moved up here. Genavive had never seen peaches growing on trees.  When we started out to the orchard to pick, Larry asked Genavive if she had ever driven a four wheeler.  Of course the answer was " no".  Well, no doing but Larry to move over and had Genavive get behind the wheel.  After a little instructions, we were on the way to the peaches.  I think peaches are my favorite thing to pick.  They are just so pretty stuck to the branches.  

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