Thursday, June 4, 2015

What's New at Studio 22

Two sets of the shutters are painted and up.
The other three sets are in the barn with the first coat of paint on them.

Chuck stained the floor while I was in Florida.
I had painted the posts and railings before I had left so he put the
railings up. 

Chuck made the two trellis and I finally found my
two Carolina jasmines to climb on them. 

A little wren has a nest with one egg ( so far) in the porch
window box

Everyone knows what that means!!!

The steps are done!!!with a little fun to them.
It wasn't easy painting the words in such
a small space, but I got her done!!

Chuck stained the hand rail and got it up
a couple of days ago.

Upstairs is almost done!
Still have the shelf to go over the double windows. 

It's so nice being able to see all my stamps!

My rubber stamp shelves

I moved my antique sewing machine over
under the embroidery threads....makes sense, plus
now you can actually see my pretty antique
sewing machine. 

My little antique sewing rocker next
to my DMC cabinet.  
We've been working really hard on the studio in the past month.  I feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.  Maybe by the end of summer it will all be done.

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