Saturday, March 7, 2015

Did It Again!

Joe Wheeler Quilt Block

20 judges picked the 25 quilt blocks
(mine is the second on the left on this table) 

Well, I did it again!  I entered the Joe Wheeler Alabama Quilt contest.  They give you a subject and you make a quilt block accordingly.  This time the subject was " what put us on the map".  Since Joe Wheeler is such an important part of history for the South, I thought I would make my block with his house on it.  We have toured his house a couple of times and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  Well, Joe must have brought me luck because guess what!!!!  My block has been picked to be in the Alabama Quilt for this year!!!!  The quilt will be finished by May or June and will tour around the state of Alabama before being hung in a building in downtown Montgomery.  Wouldn't my " quilting mama " be proud of me.  ..(smiling)

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