Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daffodil Days

My vase says " Daffodil Days".  How Perfect!

It's here!!! Daffodil Days.....they are everywhere!!  In everyone's yards and all along the sides of the roads.  Oh how I love this time of year!!!  It makes enduring the cold weather all winter long so well worth it.  Spring is fantastic up here!!  I planted tulips all along each side of the walk way from the front porch.  Oh how they are going to be so pretty when it's time for them to bloom.  Flowers like these where just " grocery store" flowers all those years I lived in Florida.  To have them grow in your yard is almost like living in a fairy tale.  Come every season, I realize how lucky I am to live " up north".  Right now Spring is my favorite.

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