Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May Day Tea Party

Mrs. Kellet May

Hat by " Michelle"

Every one dressed in Dolly's ( Melanie's Mama) vintage clothes. 

The Queen of Tennessee

Lady of Carmichael Hall, Melanie

Lady Melanie, Kellet, Lillie and Lulu

Pretty Michelle

Kellet and her pretty little girls. 
After a wonderful, fun Saturday in Birmingham, Sunday was just as fun.  It was time for the " May Day Tea Party".  Lady Melanie had asked several of her family to please wear the vintage clothes of her Mother's for a surprise for Kellet.  There were eight of us all decked out in linen and lace.  Along with pretty hats and gloves.  What a sight to see us all walking across the yard to the front door.  It was like looking back in time.  Everyone had a very enjoyable afternoon sipping tea, champagne and eating pretty little tea sandwiches.  I could so have lived in this era of time where everyone wore pretty clothes and took time for tea.  

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