Monday, May 26, 2014

Downtown Chattanooga

Tennessee Aquarium

One of several bridges over the TN River

Water Fall Steps

After enjoying lunch and walking around the Chattanooga Choo Choo, we said our good byes to Debbie and Joel.  They had to get back home to pick their dog up at the kennel before it closed.  Meantime, Joyce, Dick and us hopped on one of the " free trolleys" that take you where you want in town and went down to the waterfront.  It's a really modern, pretty part of town.  The Tennessee Aquarium is right there on the river.  I had seen a commercial  on TV with people walking down the water steps.  I wanted to find them!  There they were between two buildings.  I would have walked down them, but it was too cold that day.  After walking around for awhile, enjoying the " new Chattanooga", we hopped back on the trolley and went back to our cars.  We said our heartfelt good byes and promised to see each other again soon.  Hopefully when Joyce and Dick come back up to North Georgia in the Fall.

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