Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sick Kitty

The smell of the hunt!! 

He's good at " Ignoring " me.  

We have another sick kitty.  I know!  I'm not ready for this so soon after nursing Marmalade.  This time it's George.  I tell ya, rag muffin Annabelle is going to out live them all!  Last week when I went down stairs to let George out for the day, he was in his kitty pan and I noticed he was having trouble going ( peeing)  I knew right away what the problem was.  Out of the four male cats we have had in the past 44 years, three have had  this problem.  It's a common problem with neutered cats.  It could be a dangerous problem if not caught right away.  We rushed George to the vets that afternoon and after being checked to see if he was totally blocked, he was put on two different meds to take twice a day.  I cringed.  Giving a cat a pill is almost impossible and I had to get two of them in him a day.  Along with a syringe of liquid, twice a day.  This was NOT going to be fun!  George  turned out to be the easiest cat ever to get the meds in him.  I crushed up the pill and put it in a scoop of wet cat food.  I put the liquid in another scoop of food and he licked the plate clean.....every time!  George will eat anything!!  Hence...why he's so fat!  After watching his cat pan for the past week, I'm going to let him spend his days outside again.  He's seems to be better now but not to say we won't have to rush him back to the vets again.  We'll have to watch him for the rest of his life.  After all.....he's a neutered male cat.  ....which I was never going to have again after our second male cat we had that had this problem.  We were just lucky with Marmalade, I guess.

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