Saturday, August 17, 2013

Redecorating the Yard

After walking around the yard the day we moved the fire pit, I decided that the yard wasn't looking how I wanted it.  I know... that sounds funny but it's like I needed to redecorate out there.  I decided to move the 12 hosta plants that were under the living room window.  That side of the yard just needs hydrangeas all along it.  It's the North side of the house, which gets mostly shade.  The side of the house that you first see when you drive up to the house.  Won't it be pretty when that side of the house has nothing but big, tall, blue hydrangeas all along it.  So, this meant I needed to find a shady spot to replant all of the hostas.  The only place that I could find that would be in the shade all day was the path on the way to the TT.  I started out clearing under the trees.  What a job!  There were weeds, vines, fallen limbs and poison ivy.  I had to move the two big pots of stag horns which meant they needed to be in the shade also.  I worked out there all afternoon but once I got it all done, I was very pleased on how it looked and how it will look come Spring when all the hostas come back for the summer.  It will soon be time to winterize the yard by putting all the potted plants into the green house.  The yard will look empty all winter long but if we are lucky we'll have some pretty snow to cover it all up, this year.  We've had a very unusual cool summer.  Maybe we'll have a really cold winter.  Here's hoping!!

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