Friday, August 16, 2013

Fire Pit Moved

Front side yard 

We have this really nice fire pit and we put it in a cleared area down a path a ways from the house.  It looked nice down there when Chuck kept the area bush hogged but I kinda forgot that it was down there.  We didn't use it much.  I decided that if we moved it up to the yard by the house, we would use it all the time.  Soooooo, one morning last week, I set out moving the furniture around the pit.  I set it up around the little round flower bed in the front side yard.  That gave me an idea if that was were I wanted to put it.  It was!!!  So next, I dug up the little tree that I had planted summer before last in the middle of the bed.  Chuck helped me pick up all the rocks around the edge of the bed.  Next I had to figure out where I wanted to replant the little tree.  After walking around the house a couple of times, I decided to plant it in the middle of the back yard.  Once it gets big, it will shade the house.  I dug the hole and planted the tree.  Chuck took on the task of digging up all the grass so we could use the rocks for the edge of the bed, just like it was in the front yard.  The next big job was moving the fire pit.  I had gone to town the next day and when I came home, it was in the middle of the yard.  :-)  There is no way I'm going to forget that we have the fire pit now.  We can see it out of the windows of the house, the drive way and the front porch.  Plus, it gives the yard some interest to look at.  Good move!!

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