Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pickings from the Garden

This years garden has surprised me.  We have picked more yellow squash and zucchini than ever before. Plus the three rows of potatoes have produced more than enough for us to eat.  We have been giving bags of it all away to our friends and neighbors.  My favorite thing that is growing in the garden is the row of beets.  I had never cooked beets before and with the first hand full, I roasted a bunch of veggies and included the beets.  OMG!!!  they were wonderful!!!  ( not for my blood sugar, I'm sure)  They were soooooo sweet!!!! I will definitely plant two rows next year.  Our cucumbers were a little slow with producing this year.  Not sure why.  They are usually the thing we give away every summer.  Our tomatoes are coming along.  I've picked a few of the cherry tomatoes but the regular ones are still green.  Won't take long now though.  I can't imagine not planting a garden every Spring now.  It's just too much fun to sit down at dinner and say " we grew everything we are eating".  I'm already planning next year's garden.

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