Thursday, April 18, 2013

Around the Yard

Soon these white azaleas will be blooming. 

Fire place pipes with hostas

New flower bed around the little maple tree 

new rock border

I did some " changing" in the yard last week.  We moved the "fire place pipes" from the curve of the drive way  and planted four holly bushes in their place.  The pipes are now under the trees between the house and the TT, filled with pretty hostas.  The good thing is, I won't have to worry about replacing the flowers in those pots because the hostas will come back next Spring, after being left out all winter.  The BNOE gave us a little maple tree a couple of years ago and I ended up planting it right in the middle of the front side yard.  For two summers, I had to be care full not to mow it down with 'Little Red".  I had been toying with making a flower bed around it and I finally decided to do it.  Chuck brought up a cart load of big rocks that had been laying around the oak tree in front of the barn, for over three years.  They were left overs from all the rocks we had to put down for the drive way.  I had just enough for the round bed around the tree and then a line of them by the bed in front of the bird house fence.  Now, I wish I had more for the other beds.  I like the way they look.  I planted tons of flower seeds in the round bed.  I can't wait for them to all come up and bloom for the summer.  It seems like this is going to me my " geranium summer".  I have been drawn to them when I see them in the nurseries.  (you'll see what I mean, when I post more pics of the deck/yard)  Geraniums means summer to me.  My Auntie Barbara had two big cast iron pots of them at her front steps to the porch, every summer.  They were always red ones!! It makes me smile to look out and see the red geraniums in the blue chair out front.

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