Saturday, April 13, 2013

Alabama Quilt

My block is the top right hand corner one

 The trip down to Montgomery was great.  It had been  last summer since we had seen Gene and George.  That is way too long.  We all laughed and said that we used to see each other more often when we lived in Florida.  It's always funny to Chuck and I to be in Gene and George's house since it's kinda like home.  It was inspiring to see all the new changes that they were doing to the house and the yard.  It always gives me ideas for home.  I got to spend several hours with Gene's Mom while we were waiting for Gene to come home from work.  I always look forward to spending time with her when we go down.  Gene and I stayed up late talking and catching up on everything that has been going on with each other.  After a big breakfast, Gene went off to work and I spent a couple more hours with her Mom before it was time to leave for the luncheon in town.
    The luncheon was held in the Convention Center down town Montgomery.  What a fun anticipation it was waiting to see the quilt and to find out where my block ended up in it. Each block was wonderful.  It made such a nice Alabama Quilt.  I wanted to take it home with me.  I was talking to one lady and she had entered two blocks and both of hers got picked for the quilt.  I was really impressed.  After we finished eating, we were told that they were sorry to say that the "First Lady of Alabama" wasn't going to be able to attend.  Her mother had died the day before.  The lady that was ahead of the quilt contest, had told me this and she also told me that we were going to get an invitation from the First Lady to come back to Montgomery and have a private tour of the Gov. Mansion, later on down the road.  That's even better than having her there for the luncheon and having our picture taken with her.
   Right after the luncheon, we headed for home because there was severe weather coming.  We were hoping to make it home either before or after it came.  Well, that didn't happen.  Just as we got to Cullman, both of our phones rang, with " weather call" from the TV station telling us to go to our basement.  That was a scary thought.  We could see the dark wall clouds to the West of us as we were driving.  Also, they kept saying on the radio that if we were driving on I65 heading towards Hartselle, to pull over and find cover.  That was just where we were headed until we turned off onto 157.  By the time we made it home, the storm was going through Decatur and heading to Huntsville.  We sure were glad to be pulling into our basement and that Brambly Pines was safe....just really wet!!!

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