Thursday, March 28, 2013

Underground Railroad

Underground Railroad sampler quilt

(double click on pic and it will become bigger so you can read it)

Betty, the commercial  lady

Every year, our Quilt Guild goes on a "mystery trip".  No one knows where we are going except for Anna Lou who sets them up.  It's a whole day worth of fun.  Well, this year the surprise was, we weren't going anywhere.  Our treat was two great ladies coming to our meeting place and giving a talk on the " Underground Railroad quilts".  We all had to stay out in the lobby until it was time for all of us to walk in together.  Everyone's first comment was ..."hey! aren't you the commercial lady?"..ha.  Yes, we have all seen Betty on an insurance commercial on several of our local channels.  It was filmed at her home and with the quilt that she brought to show us about her family.  Her friend Flora ( not sure how she spells her name) was a world of information about the quilts that were used for the Underground Railroad.  She had made a sampler quilt with all the code blocks that were used.  She told stories on how the slaves made it all the way from the south to Canada to  be safe.  The ladies have made the trip themselves and had a scrapbook to show us of their trip, ending at a museum in Canada.  Even though we didn't get in a bus and travel to another state for our mystery trip, it was one right up there at the top of a fun time.   Everyone decided that they were glad that we didn't have to go out in the cold for the day.  Yes, everyone is wondering if Spring warm weather is ever going to get here this year.  After everyone helped fold up all the quilts and pack everything away, we headed to Ruby Tuesday for a nice lunch together.   Now we will all wonder what next year's "mystery trip" will bring us.  

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