Sunday, August 5, 2012

Other People's Stuff

Big Ass Glass bowl!!

Glass bowl with tacky flowers

Plate Glass platter

Blackberry Purse

Old movies
We didn't come home with a whole lot from the longest yard sale, but what we did get was kinda neat.  Since Chuck has hooked up all our old TVs that can't be used to watch TV on any more, to VCR players we have been collecting old movies to watch on them.  We have one in the basement, one in the TT and one in the barn.  The one in the barn is set up by my painting area so I can watch my painting tapes that Sandy gave me and we also can put a movie in while we are down there working.  At least the old tapes are cheap.  I usually get them for $1 or less.  Believe it or not, most of them I have never seen before.  Do you remember, I think it was in the late 1970'a or early 1980's where women discovered decoupage and were covering wooden purses with what ever pictures they could find?  Well, I came across a wooden purse covered with pretty blackberries.  Who ever made it, did a wonderful job and I think it will be fun to take to tea parties.  It will be a conversation piece for sure. I already had a compliment on it, just carrying it around when I bought it.  I'm always looking for big glass platters to use as trays around the house.  I was lucky and even found a "blue" one this time. Then there was this "big ass glass bowl" filled with tacky flowers.  It was cheap and I could see how pretty the glass bowl would be without the tacky flowers.  Maybe fill it with pine cones or something for the holidays.  How about filling it with cotton!  Oh my mind keeps wondering.  Any ways, the glass bowl of tacky flowers came home with us too.  Now I just have to figure out some place to store it until I want to use it.    I know another year will roll around and we will be heading out to the "longest yard sale" before we know it.  I'm just glad we live so close to the beginning of it, so we can have fun going. 

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