Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Slip Sliding Away

Waiting for people to slide down the Falls.

On the way through the forest going home, we stopped at Kinlock Falls for Kerri and Adam to see it and there were tons and tons of people there.  It WAS the weekend and it was HOT!  We had heard that people slide down the falls in the summer.  Sure enough!  There was a crowd of people trying to slide we watched one guy slip and fall.  He hit his head on the rocks and people went to his rescue. He seemed to be OK ...just a little blood.   They actually ease down the Falls on their butt until the last part and then they slide into the water .  We were talking to one lady who had done it and she said it's not icky.  The rocks are covered in a soft moss.  Shell has always wanted to do this ever since the first time she had seen the Falls.  Her Daddy keeps telling her " no way!!".  Even though she is 33 years old, her Daddy has a say so in what she does when she is around us.  Especially when she could get hurt doing what ever. 

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