Sunday, July 15, 2012

July Fun!

They finally got here!

Seeing the Chickens all grown up.

Funky Cucumber!

It's "HEAVY"!!!!!

Aunt Shell tires.

Too early to pick carrots...but they are cute!
Friday was a really lonnnnnng day!  For Chuck and I and for the girls.  Even though I stayed really busy with mowing the yard, behind the barn and the garden area, cooking and cleaning all day, it felt like the girls were never going to get here.  They finally did though.  The first thing Genavive wanted to do, was go see the chickens.  The last time she saw them, they were baby peeps that she held in her hand.  Now, we are waiting for them to start laying eggs any day now.  The next thing Genavive wanted to do, was go down to the garden. She was amazed at the funky, long cucumbers and loved the baby carrots.  I decided it was time to pick my big, heavy watermelon.  Genavive tried to pick it up and couldn't.  Shell tried and finally got it.  We let Papa carry it back to the house.  I sure hope it's ripe when we cut it.  I have a feeling it's going to be a "yellow meat".  That will be a really great surprise if it is.  I did plant some but had forgotten about what seeds I planted where.  All the fun continued on Saturday.  Us girls spent the day "shopping"...and shopping we did!  From 10:00 am until 5:00 pm.  There are just to many fun, bargain places to go to up here and Shell wants to hit them all when she comes.  The explorer was loaded with our treasures.  What a fun day that was!!

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