Thursday, June 21, 2012

Surprise #2

My German parents for 50 years.

A special lunch

Shell with Auntie Marina's picture and ring.

My second plan to surprise people was to just show up at Christina and George's front door.  My SIL ( not my friend) Elaine, was so nice to let me use her car for the whole day of surprises.  So, I started out early that Wednesday morning and drove down to St. Pete from Safety Harbor.  I pulled up into Christina and George's drive way and they didn't even know I was there.  I knocked on the door and George answered.  The look on his face was priceless and I put my finger over my mouth so he knew not to say anything.  He called Christina to the door.  When she opened the door to see who was there, I thought she was going to fall down.  George did too.  He held her up while she cried.  It was so much fun surprising people who love me.  We spent the whole day talking and talking some more.  Shell was able to come have lunch with us and what a special lunch it was.  Christina ( Oma) always has stuff for a German lunch on hand.  I always enjoy eating over there because it reminds me of my childhood of growing up with them and also of our trip to Germany.   After lunch, Oma came out with a picture of Auntie Marina.  I remembered when Marina had that picture taken.  She was in her 30's.  As we sat and talked about Shell's birthday and how Marina's birthday was also in May,  Oma, put the Emerald birthstone ring that Marina had on in the picture, in Shell's hand.   She said that it was meant for Shell to have it, when it came time for Christina's will to be read, but since this was a special time of me surprising Shell for her birthday and that we were able to all be together, she wanted Shell to have it now.  Yes, Shell cried and LOVED the ring.  I know Marina would be happy that Shell would be wearing her ring.  What a very special lunch!

1 comment:

InsLady said...

Oh Barb, This surprise made me cry again:))!!! Love you and your sweet sweet family.