Thursday, May 10, 2012

Moving Day

It was time for the "new girls" to move to the mansion.  They had out grown the tub in the barn.  Chuck wanted to just carry the wash tub with them in it, to the mansion but I knew something would spook them and we might lose some of them.  So, I came up with the idea to put them in the plastic tub with the lid to keep them safe.  It worked!  They took to their new house right off.  Sooooo much room!  They learned to jump up onto the roost right off.  They found their food and water bowls and were in "chicken heaven".  They have no idea that they have a nice yard on the side of their house yet.  We can't let them out until they get big enough so they can't fit through the wire fencing.  Maybe in another month.  Mean while, they are happy to live in their big house.

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