Saturday, February 11, 2012

The BIG Tree!

Funny tree along the trail

The BIG Poplar tree!

Rock that looks like a snake

Stepping Stones

Everyone that talks to us about hiking in the forest, asks if we have been to "B Branch to the BIG tree".  The next thing out of their mouths is " it's a long hike"!  Chuck decided it was time for us to go see it, so a hiking we went.  A very lonnnnnnnng hike.  Eight and a half miles, round trip.  Through mud and horse poop.  Part of the trail was a horse trail and a horse had walked in front of us both coming and going.  You get my drift?  When we finally made it to the canyon where the tree was, the tree really didn't look THAT big but we were looking down on it.  Once we figured out how to get down into the canyon, it was BIG!  In fact, it's the biggest tree in Alabama.  Not only was the tree in the canyon but two pretty high waterfalls. That made it worth the eight and a half mile hike.  Even if my feet were hurting. Chuck added a couple of rocks to some that were crossing the creek so I could go across (I didn't wear my rubber boots) to get to the waterfalls.  We had our picnic lunch at the tree and then had to head back since it was going to take us so long to hike back to the truck. I was hoping the person on the horse would come by and give me a ride back but that never happened  We made it back about an hour before dark.  That's cutting it close for me.  I sure wouldn't want to be in the forest at night, unless we were camping and had all our gear and a FIRE!   

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