Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Surprise!

When I opened the mailbox yesterday, there was a ton of mail.  In the middle of it all was this package.  I'm thinking, " who is sending me something, Christmas is over".  The return address wasn't one that I am used to getting mail from.  It was from Carmen in Washington State.  Let me tell you about the story of Carmen and Don.  Do you remember the stupid chat rooms that were on the Internet about 15 years ago?  Well, I have to admit, I did sit at night and talk to people from all over the world in them when I got my first computer.  It was fun and I made some really nice friends.  Some came and some went and it makes ya wonder what ever happened to those people but some have turned out to be some of my best friends.  I have talked to some of them on the phone and have even met some in person.  Any ways... Carmen and Don and I have kept in touch though out the years and when Face Book came about, we found each other on there.  We have talked on the phone several times but we have never met in person.  I feel like we have known each other forever though.  We've been through good times, bad times, children's weddings and grand babies being born.  Yes, we are real friends even if we have never hugged in person.  Well, Carmen sent me a pair of the most prettiest, warm gloves that she knitted.  It was a wonderful surprise and put a smile on my face all day.  It really made my day and I will think of Carmen every time I put them on my hands.  Some day maybe we will be able to really hug each other. 

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