Friday, January 6, 2012

Shadow Kitties

Ok, turn your head to the left....

Now, look straight ahead......
It was a nice sunny day yesterday and Marmalade wanted out on the porch to be in the warm winter sun.  As I was in the kitchen, I looked out the windows and happen to see that George was out on the back steps and Marmie was at the door.  They used to fight through the screen but they have grown to like each other so they just "hang out" together now.  It was funny how they were both sitting the same way and every time one would turn his head, the other would too.  I grabbed the camera but knew if I opened the kitchen door, that Marmalade would move, so I took the pictures through the kitchen windows.  They sat there for awhile, until George saw something in the woods and took off to chase it.  I know Marmie would have LOVED to have been able to chase along with him but since we moved up here, he's been an "indoor kitty".  I keep telling him, it's for the best.  I don't think he thinks so though. 

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