Monday, October 3, 2011

Oktoberfest in Cullman

One man band

Lady in her pretty dirndl

 1/2 brat, brown bread, german potato salad, cucumber salad,sauerkraut and apple dessert
October 1, was the first day of Oktoberfest in Cullman.  It goes on for a week.  It was suppose to be the first Oktoberfest with "beer" because the city of Cullman voted to not be " dry" any more, but we didn't see any signs of " beer" anywhere. (As Christina can you have Oktoberfest without beer? )When we were talking to a lady in her "German dirndl"  she asked us if we wanted free tickets for a bratwurst tasting at 11:30.  Of course we took them but didn't know what to expect.  We walked around until it was time to get in line for the brat tasting.  They had the people with the tickets to get in front of the line and then they started dishing up a whole meal to give us.  It was wonderful!  (I always did like eating all the German food that Christina made, when I was growing up) After eating, we walked down to the used book store and I got two bags of books ( they're 5 for $1...I know! how can you not come home with at least two bags full) We had also bought a big bag of pretty ripe tomatoes there at one of the booths on the street and some beautiful hand towels in a store called " A Touch of German".  Well, Oktoberfest in Cullman, can't compare to our experiences in Germany but it's still a fun morning for being in Alabama.

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