Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Day in the Garden

Chuck digging potatoes

New Rose Trellis

Getting the Garden ready for Fall

It's time to get the garden ready for Fall.  We spent one whole day down there last week.....weeding, tilling and pulling things up out of the garden.  The birds and squirrels ate all of the large sunflowers so Chuck pulled those up.  The cucumbers got pulled.  I'm gonna miss those even though it got to be crazy on how many cukes I picked every day.  Chuck dug up a few potatoes...which we had for dinner that night, along with cabbage and carrots from the garden.  There is just something about veggies from the garden....they taste different....the flavors are more intense.  There are still three grape tomato plants which are producing every day and some peppers that are surrounded with sweet potato vines that have taken over half of the garden.  I can't wait to dig those up but that won't happen for a couple more months.  When I see little ole men sitting on the backs of their pick up trucks, full of sweet potatoes, for sale, then I'll know it's time to dig mine.  The BNOE gave me a rose bush when we first moved here and said it only bloomed once in the Spring and then it grew all " leggy".  Well, she was right!  It bloomed the first Spring we were here and then I cut it back as it got " leggy".  It did the same thing this last Spring so I got to thinking that just maybe it might be a "climber" so I let it grow all summer without trimming it.  It grew to almost the top of the lean to so I asked Chuck to please make a trellis for it.  It still hasn't bloomed all summer but I'm just going to let it be for the winter and see what happens next year with it.  If anything, if I end up getting rid of it, I have a nice trellis to plant another "climber" on.  It didn't cost anything....Chuck made it from scrap lumber from building the house.  I can't believe that summer is almost over and I will be planning next year's garden.  I already have some plans in my head. 

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