Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Time!

I just love summer up here!  Even though it's HOT during the day, it cools down into the 60's at night and that is why you can have a veggie garden and grow pretty flowers.  You know it's summer when the peaches are ripe and the blackberries are ready for picking.  A couple of days ago, I was walking by the barn and I saw this big black....blackberry!  I walked over, picked it and popped it in my mouth.  Then, I looked up!! and there were TONS of blackberries ready to pick.  I went into the barn and grabbed a basket and started picking.  I had to get Chuck to help me get a ladder because the vine had grown so high in the trees.   After lunch that day, I decided to go down where I had seen a big patch of berries on the way to the garden.  I hit the jack pot!  The vines were loaded.  As I picked, I scared a little brown bunny out of the middle of the thicket.  After Chuck came down to help me pick, we walked all over the land to check if there were more berries any where.  We found so many that will be ripe in about a week.  I don't think we're going to have a problem finding enough for me to make "blackberry jelly" this year.  We ended up picking a quart of berries, which I put in the freezer.
    All of the produce stands have peaches  now and they are way cheaper and taste a lot better than what you can buy in the stores in Florida.  Alabama and Georgia are the states for peaches.  I have already put up one batch in the freezer ( and we made peach ice cream a couple of nights ago).  We bought our second batch when we went down to Cullman on Saturday.  These are the juiciest peaches EVER!  The juice runs down your arm when you bite into them.  Yes, it's summer time and the living is good! 

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