Saturday, June 4, 2011

George Lee Peterson

It's official!! We now have THREE kitties in our family!  I know....I wasn't going to do this but I just can't help it when it comes to skinny, hungry kitties that need some love.  Since George decided to stick around and he lived on our front porch all winter, I decided that it was time to have " his ears fixed".  lol.  That is what my mother used to tell me when I was little and  she would take our male cats to be " fixed".  For some reason, I never asked her what was wrong with his ears.  ..silly me.  When Shell was little and we took our male cat, I told her that he was going to have an operation that would make him "stay home" more.  After keeping him in on the back porch for three days, I let him out.  Shell came running in yelling ..." It didn't work! didn't work!....Casper went over to the neighbors!!!"    The vet that we took George too, is a little country place and the people were so nice to us and George.  When the lady asked what my cat's name was and I said George, she laughed and said " George huh?".  When we went back in the afternoon to pick him up, I said I was there to pick up our cat, George Peterson and she laughed again and said " oh yeah....George! "  Maybe they haven't ever had a kitty named George as a patient   She reported that George was a very good boy and that they didn't have any trouble out of him at all.  I'm just glad that having his "ears fixed" and getting his rabies shot is all over for George AND me.  Welcome home George! We'll see if he stays home now...ha. 

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