Friday, June 17, 2011

Mountain of Mulch

Charlotte helping with the mountain

Thank goodness for the tractor!
After a year...yep it's been over a year since they came and knocked down all the trees, ran over them to grind them into mulch and then pushed it all into a mountain on the end of the house site.  It's so hard to move the mulch by can only use the pitch fork and then half of it falls through that.  Chuck found a way to go through the woods and get the tractor over to mulch mountain and was able to drag a lot of it into the woods.  You can only do so much with the tractor and no room without driving on our grass.  It's back to working on it by hand.  Chuck took five wheel barrow loads to the front corner flower bed for me to spread.  Then, he took tons of it to the median of trees in our back drive way.  Charlotte came over at 6:00, yesterday morning ( before it got really hot) and got a load in her cart.  She has been back two more times and says she will be back for more.  It will be nice to have the mountain gone and we will be able to extend our side yard and see into the woods.  The little chipmunks that live in the mountain will just have to find a new home.  I know this time next year, I'll be wishing for some free mulch...ha. 

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