Friday, June 17, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Will be picking my cabbage soon.

Best Tomato Ever!

Picking Strawberries every day


Bush Beans




The garden is almost in full swing.  You can usually pick something every day when you go down there.  I'm so happy with my tomatoes this year.  Last year they weren't very good and had bottom rot and worms.  Not this year!  They are as pretty as you can get.  I had one for lunch the day that I picked the first two and it was the best tomato ever!!!  Even better than the ones we used to pick in Fla and I thought those were good. I fixed a big batch of green beans for dinner last night and they were such a pretty color green without any flaws and tasted wonderful.  Our corn is starting to tassel which means we should have corn by the end of summer.  We are getting some much needed rain right now so I won't have to water for a couple of days.  I know after this big drink of water, everything will be twice as big as it was the last time I was down there. I feel so lucky to have such a big garden.  It's a lot of work but all well worth every hour of tilling, planting, weeding and watering.  Come next Spring, I'll be collecting my seeds again....that's half the fun too.

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