Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little Hummers

Mr Hook Sitter

 The hummingbirds came in April, around the time they do every Spring.  Several of them were coming to our three feeders.  Then, I happen to notice that they were gone all of a sudden and it was about a week before all the tornadoes hit Northern Alabama.  I wonder if they knew something that we didn't?  It took about three weeks after the tornadoes for them to show up again.  We have had times where they weren't coming to the feeders as much.  Chuck thought it was because they were going to all the Honeysuckle that was blooming all over the land.  But....they are back again and almost  at any time you look out at one of the feeders, there will be at least one hummer at it.  We have this one little male that likes to sit on top of the hook of the feeder by our living room window.  He guards the feeder and if another one comes to eat....he runs it off...lol.  They are so funny to watch.  I'm so happy that they make Northern Alabama their summer home.  I do miss them all winter long.  I wonder if the people who live " up north" say that when all the " snow birds" leave to make the population in Florida triple in the winter...lol. 

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