Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Georgie Porgie

He's not suppose to be on the table...even if it is on the porch.

Where else would an outdoor kitty sleep on a rainy day?
I have to say....I have never had a cat like Georgie Porgie Pudden and Pie Boy and I've had cats my whole life.   He has taken to following me EVERYWHERE!  He's like a little kid.  I have to find ways to sneak off without him seeing me or he comes with me where ever I'm going.  I don't mind him going down to the chickens with me but I really don't like it when he follows me to the garden.  He goes exploring into the woods and I'm afraid he's going to go down by the road or come across some kind of animal he's not suppose too.  So, when he's down there with me, I put him inside the fence with me and he walks up and down all the rows, crying until he lays down under the sunflowers.  IF, I don't have a basket of veggies to carry back with me, I usually carry George.  He likes it when I carry him.  He purrs and kitties my arm with his front feet.  When I go out on the front porch he comes running no matter where he is.  If I walk down to the end of the porch to sit on the swing, he usually beats me to the swing and jumps up on it.  When I sit down...he crawls in my lap and will stay there as long as I want to hold him.  Some times I put him next to me on the swing and he falls asleep.  Once I stand up though, he's off the swing and ready to go where ever I'm going. He has also taken to jumping into Chuck's lap when he sits in the rocking chairs.   He pretty much lives on the front porch or under it.  We're already talking about Chuck building him a warm house for this winter.  After all, he's not " homeless" any more so he shouldn't have to sleep in a card board box, like he did last winter.  I wish everyone could have a kitty like George....it warms your heart and it tries your patience...lol.

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