Thursday, January 20, 2011

A really fun weekend!

We wish!!

Dining room curtains

What a fun weekend we had! Lady Melanie came up Saturday and got to stay until Monday afternoon. After lunch of soup and homemade bread ( thank you bread machine) on Saturday, her and I went shopping to some of my favorite places. We came home early enough to get ready to go to Florence to have dinner at one of Melanie's favorite places...." Dale's Steak House". It's been famous since the 1960's. ( Gene and George took us there when they were here last fall) Melanie and I stayed up past midnight, knitting hats and talking. ( girl stuff) Sunday, we ran to Walmart to get curtain rods so we could hang the beautiful lace curtains that Melanie gave me for my bedroom. They had to be hemmed on the sides since one panel was cut in half to be used at both windows. One panel was 9 yards of lace, wide. Can you believe that! It's the prettiest lace I have ever seen. I just love them. Melanie helped me hem them, along with making the curtains for the dining room. Now, all we need to do is make the valances to go over both sets of curtains. (I'll take pictures of them once we make the valances) The weekend went way to fast, as it always does when Melanie comes to Brambly Pines. It's just so much fun having her here.

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