Monday, January 10, 2011

"Let it Snow" and " It Did"!

Our Christmas tree
Snow ice cream!

Where's the front steps?

Cone head Janice.

The split cedar tree

For almost a week, we were told about a " Major Winter Storm" that was coming on Sunday. Everyone was anticipating it. The grocery stores sold out of bread, milk, water and batteries. Just like hurricane warnings in Florida. We were told to expect any where from 4 to 14 inches of snow. ....probably would be around 8 inches. We waited and waited and it finally started around 7:30 Sunday night. Within just a few minutes, it was coming down hard. One inch every hour. Chuck and I kept turning the lights on outside and watching it all. By the time I went to bed, it was a real snow storm. Even with thunder and lightening. I never knew that you could have thunder and lightening when it snowed. I guess it does make sense though. When we woke up at 5:00 am, it was really deep and everything covered! What a beautiful sight! First thing we did was get the yard stick and measure how deep it all was. ....8 1/2 inches!!!! It was the most snow that they have had here in over 23 years. After getting on my ski pants, a sweat shirt, wool socks, scarf, hat and coat.....out I went. We walked down to tend to the chickens. I knew they didn't like the last snow we had, but they REALLY didn't like it this time. I opened their door and usually they come running as fast as they can into their yard. This morning, they all poked their heads out the door and that was it. They wouldn't come out. I had Chuck hand me one of them ( he was inside looking for eggs) and I put her down in the snow. Oh my! she sank down in it and flapped her wings, making a little " chicken snow angel" and then she " FLEW" back into the hen I just closed up their little door for the day and I'm sure they were perfectly happy to be in there. Next, we walked down the drive way to the road. There were several large animal tracks all over the land. Chuck thinks a lot of them were deer tracks. It had snowed on top of the fresh tracks so it was hard to tell just what they were. We lost one of our large cedar trees down by the garden. It split right down the middle from the weight of the snow. After walking around the land, we walked over to see how the BNOE were enjoying all the snow. They were out in their pasture with sleds but since the snow was so fluffy and wouldn't stick together, they weren't getting very far on their sleds. Plus, we couldn't build snowmen either....nor snow balls. We all went in and took off our wet clothes and enjoyed some really good hot chocolate with baby marshmallows. Chuck and I came on home, had some lunch and I got out the neat puzzle of our land ( that Gene and George gave us). We sat and worked on it while we watched " The Little Rascals" on DVD. ( they were my favorite when I was growing up) I came up with the idea to try and make " snow ice cream", so I got on line and got the recipe and went outside and brought in a gallon of pretty clean, white snow. ( I know not to eat yellow snow..even if I was born in Fla.) I added, milk, sugar and vanilla and ta da!....snow ice cream. It made a huge bowl, so I took it over to share with the BNOE. It was actually very good. Think I will make some more, next snow we get. Since it's going to stay cold for several days....I think our snow is going to stick around for a couple of days. Every town around here has shut down and all the roads are impassable. When, the roads are cleared, we plan on heading to the forest to see the pretty frozen water falls and what snow is left. I'm soooooooo lucky to live here. My life is so full of great things to do. ......winter, summer, spring and fall.


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