Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Real Fire

Dave, the 'Iron man" called on Friday to say that our fireplace screen was done. We jumped in the explorer and went down the road to pick it up. It turned out really nice...fits like a glove. It covers the whole open space of the mantel. Of course, we had to try it out Friday we had our first " real fire". We watched two movies on TV and enjoyed the warm, pretty fire. The next morning the house smelled like " a camp fire". It's a good thing that we had a beautiful " Spring-like" day so we could open the windows to air out the house. We even opened the kitchen door to the porch and let the kitties out for the first time. Annabelle ran out as fast as she could and loved exploring the porch. I had to go get Marmalade and carry him out. He walked to the middle of the porch and decided two minutes was long enough and ran back in the house and he used to be an " outdoor cat". Can you believe that? We ended up being outside all day since the weather was so nice. Chuck chopped some wood for the next "cold spell" ( this coming week) and planted our "living Christmas tree" in the back yard. I moved more furniture up to the TT from the barn. I finally got the TT cleaned up from us moving out lock, stock and barrel when it was time to move into the house. We moved the furniture onto the deck, even though it all still needs to be painted. When we get the " real Spring weather", we'll start painting the 100 things that need to be painted yet. We have one more day of pretty weather before the rain starts and it turns cold again. I have a feeling that " Mr Groundhog" is going to be seeing his shadow in a couple of days.

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