Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snow Flurries

We got our first snow flurries last Sunday. It's exciting for a born Floridian to live where there is any kind of frozen, what ever. It may not have lasted on the ground, but it sure was pretty to see it flying through the air. Today, we had " sleet". Now, that sounds funny as it hits the ground. That didn't really last long either. We do have small icicles hanging off of the railing of the deck and from the down spouts of the barn and on the truck. The Explorer is now living in the basement, along with "little red". It's nice that Chuck doesn't have to scrape ice off of the wind shield when we go some place, now. I didn't let " the girls" outside today because they don't know any better and would go out in the sleet. Actually, their mansion is pretty warm compared to the temps outside. Chuck goes down every morning and takes them warm water because theirs freezes every night. The green house seems to be holding at 40 degrees if not higher. So good for the beginning of winter. I know! I know! winter doesn't really start until Dec 21. ( Mom's birthday) ....but it feels like winter.'s been pretty cold.

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