Thursday, December 9, 2010

Silly Kitties

Marmalade likes to sleep on Chuck's lap at night.

A couple of weeks ago, we were in Lowe's looking for something. I think it was finials for the posts to the deck, I can't remember. While Chuck was off looking, I looked at the Christmas stuff. There were these canning jars and each of them had a butterfly in them. They really looked " real"! When you tapped on the lid to the jar, the butterfly flew around in the jar. You had to reallllllllly look close to see that it was a fake butterfly on a tiny wire. I thought it was really neat but thought I shouldn't spend the money on a " fake butterfly". All week long, I thought about that butterfly and how neat it was. I just knew Genavive would love it. So, when we went to town yesterday, I had Chuck stop at Lowe's. ( I had some birthday money left over...I birthday was back in July but you know me...I save my money until I find something that I really want) I couldn't find the butterflies....they were gone. I even asked a lady about them and she said they were sold out if they weren't there in the middle aisle. I was really disappointed but asked another lady if there was a way they could call the Lowe's in Hartselle to see if they had any left. She told me to hold on and went and asked a guy about them and here she came, with one in her hand. She said it was the last one but the batteries were dead in it. So, she took the price of the batteries off of the butterfly. I felt so lucky and happy that I was taking a butterfly home. Well, when we got home, I showed it to Annabelle and boy was that a mistake!!!! She went nuts. No matter where I put the jar, she got up there and tried to get the butterfly. She even put her arms around the jar and watched the butterfly. She was so funny. BUT! now, I can't put the jar any place but on the floor, cause Annie gets up on what ever it's on and knocks it off. So much for putting it on my shelf in the sun room. Even when I took it over to the BNOE yesterday evening...Charlotte thought it was a real She wanted to know how I got a butterfly in 20 degree weather? Any ways....I love my winter butterfly but so does Annie. ( Marmalade was scared of with him)

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