Friday, December 10, 2010

La Grange College

On the way to Florence, we pass a sign that says " LaGrange College Site" all the time. Today, we decided to go see what it was all about. ...and so glad we did. It's up on a small mountain and you could see down in a valley....really pretty. There is a whole little log cabin village there. It was all decorated for Christmas. No one was there because it's only open on Sundays or by appointment. We'll go back when it's open one day. There is a really nice shelter for picnics, over looking the valley and a nice set of swings for kids to play on. Then, there were several signs telling about the college and how it was burned down in the Civil War. It was a nice side track to our day of shopping in Florence. ......JoAnn's ( I found out that they are opening a JoAnn's in Huntsville in February....yippee!!!) Best Buy, the Mall ( to check it out...didn't buy anything) and of course our monthly trip to Sam's. We didn't get home until dark. It was a long day, but a fun one.

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