Tuesday, November 30, 2010

" THE bath tub".

Who knew we would " laugh" about Shell taking a bath. I got everything ready with lighting all the candles, giving Shell my pretty smelling bubble bath and turning on the "Christmas music". I close the door and in a few minutes, I hear Shell laughing and laughing! I go in there to see what was so funny and she was half way underwater. She is too short! Her feet don't reach the end of the tub when she lays down so she sliiiiiiiiiides down under the water. ...lol. I wonder if they make " pretty,short tubs" for short people? Speaking of my tub. I always laugh a little when I vacuum the bathroom and wonder how many people " vacuum under their bath tubs". ha. I LOVE my bathroom!!!!....just glad I'm three inches taller than Shell.

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